250 grams of micronized NMN powder from our well-known range (also standard NMN on request)
NMN Products @ Specification Micronized NMN 250 grams
Epigenetic Test - How Old Are We Really?
For science, research & medicine: The aging process of every person is individual and depends on various factors such as diet, exercise, habits, stress level and the environment. A patented epigenetic test procedure uses the methylation markers on the DNA to determine the actual, epigenetic / biological age with scientific accuracy. Once the basic value of biological age has been determined, then you can decide for yourself how to positively influence age. Put your lifestyle to the test and check success with regular follow-up tests (every 6-12 months). Because the methylation markers on the DNA are in principle reversible, i.e. reversible. Have age in your own hands, day after day and year after year.
Epigenetics for Success | Our epigenetic test kit
We cooperate with epiAge Germany The epiAge test was developed at McGill University in Montreal by Professor Moshe Szyf and his team. His HKG epiTherapeutics laboratory evaluates the samples according to the latest research findings. We provide you with a precise epigenetics tool based on sound scientific competence that determines your personal biological age. The application is simple: a saliva sample is sufficient and the test result is available after a few weeks. The test kit includes a detailed, simple instruction manual, a collection tube for your saliva, a stamped return envelope and a € 20 discount code for follow-up tests or recommendations. The registration, submission and evaluation of your test takes place via Germany. The test kit is available in German or English (please specify when ordering).
Detailed information about the epigenetic test: The biological age
Our information is provided for informational purposes only and in no way constitutes a recommendation or medical advice; nor can we be held liable for it.